


2. UGC Major Research Project on The Gorkhaland Agitation, Emergence and Resurgence, A study in crisis Management completed in 2012.

The UGC Major Research Project entitled The Gorkhaland Agitation: Emergence and Resurgence: A Study in Crisis Management was undertaken by Prof. Sumit Mukerji in the Department of Political Science, University of Kalyani in February 2010 and after two years, an extension of six months was granted. The final Project Report was submitted in 2012.

The project work started when the Gorkhaland agitation was at its peak. SubasGhising the leader of the erstwhile Gorkha National liberation Front (GNLF) movement and the uncrowned monarch of the hills was thrown out by his own comrades and the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council which was formed in 1988 was rejected. The resurgent movement was led by Bimal Gurung and his new party, the Gorkha JanamuktiMorcha (GJMM) with the renewed demand for a separate state. The hills were turbulent with the air of violence and despite repeated rounds of talk no peace agreement was possible.   After about one year the entire political scenario of the state went topsy turvy with the cataclysmic fall of the Left Front Government in the Assembly elections of 2011 and the installation of the coalition of the Trinamool Congress Party and the Indian National Congress Party at the helm of affairs. This had its far-reaching repercussions on the Gorkhaland movement and the agreement between the centre, the state and the GJMM   which had proved elusive till then, became a reality in July 2011 with the new promise of peace and development. As Principal Investigator, Prof. Sumit Mukerji had to undertake a number of trips to the hills and interview the leaders of the GJMM movement as well as those of opposition parties like All India Gorkha League (AIGL), GNLF, Communist Party of Revolutionary Marxists (CPRM), etc. to acquaint himself with their changing response to the rapidly changing political landscape. During the Project an expert panel of scholars, politicians and administrators were interviewed who provided valuable information. 186 Gorkha and 184 non Gorkha interviewees answered the queries put to them via questionnaires.

3. UGC Major Research Project on Political Movements and Militancy in North Bengal and Eastern Assam since 1980 completed in 2009. 

The UGC Major Research Project entitled Political Movements and Militancy in North Bengal and Eastern Assam Since 1980 was undertaken by Prof. Sumit Mukerji in the Department of Political Science, University of Kalyani in 2006 and after two years, an extension of six months was granted.  The Project was completed in 2008.

The Project intends to analyse the causes behind the spurt in terrorist activity in North Bengal and eastern Assam. A number of secessionist ethnic movements used to operate in the mentioned region, among them the movement for sovereign Assam spearheaded by the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA), the agitation for a separate state of Kamtapur consisting of 6 districts in North Bengal led by the Kamtapur People’s Party (KPP) in collusion with the Kamtapur Liberation Organization (KLO) the militant outfit of the North East and which found its extension in the Greater Coochbehar movement were specially mentioned. While these movements often differ in terms of their agenda, there happens to be striking similarities between them in terms of their character, operational strategy, methods of cadre mobilization, quality of leadership, etc. One of the important issues, which the project takes into consideration, is that of regional grievances. The seminal point of enquiry was that whether the regions encompassed by the project are neglected and deprived economically, politically and culturally and whether this feeling of deprivation has led to social frustration and subsequently social alienation ultimately misguiding unemployed youths to join terrorist groups in an obvious bid to find an escape route from poverty. It further seeks to offer insights into other related issues like the extent of participation of women and students in militant movements, the age-group and family background of the militants, the method of recruitment employed by terrorist organizations for the recruitment of young militants, the level of political and ideological consciousness of the militants, the extent of public support enjoyed by the militants and the attitude of the common people towards them.